About and User Manual

Hello, I'm Shashwata. I created this site to provide a mobile-friendly and user-friendly LaTeX writing environment. Many existing programs are though really advanced and complex but not designed for on-the-go use and for beginners who don't know LaTeX, so this site aims to make equation writing as intuitive as conversational mathematics, especially for beginners. You can use the search box to search anything you want like symbols, functions etc.


You can click on any content item to navigate to that section.

Section 1: Introduction

The interface is simple: type your equation into the text area, and you'll see the output immediately. There are two versions available, Version 2 and Version 3. Both versions offer the same functionalities, but they differ in that Version 3 uses MathJax 3 which is the latest version, while Version 2 uses MathJax 2 which is retained because some functions do not perform well on MathJax 3. Additionally, Version 3 supports storing equations in your browser's memory to prevent loss, a feature not available with Version 2.

Section 1.1: The AutoComplete Function

If you enable this feature, whenever you begin typing curly braces, it will immediately provide hints directly in the text area. The hints are automatically selected, ensuring they don't disrupt your writing flow while also guiding you on how to construct the specific object

Section 1.2: The Suggestions button

When you click on the suggestions button, a popup will appear at the top left of the screen, which you can drag to a position that suits you best. If you're unsure of certain equation shortcodes or the corresponding LaTeX syntax, simply click on suggestions and start typing what you're looking for. For example, if you forget how to write an integral with limits, typing "int" will display all related functions that match the keyword. Selecting one will automatically copy it for you. This feature is also available on mobile devices; however, the click-to-copy and drag functionalities are disabled, and the popup will remain fixed at the top of your screen. Essentially, it's an assistive tool designed as a popup to help you write equations without disruption.

Section 1.3: The Download Button

When you click on the download button, a popup will appear offering three format options: SVG, PNG, and PDF. You can select one, two, or all three formats based on your needs. The equation will be downloaded in the selected format(s), and the size will automatically adjust to fit the equation while maintaining left alignment for a professional look. If you choose more than one format, you'll need to grant permission when prompted by the "The site wants to Download Multiple Files" alert.

Section 1.4: The Reset Button

By default, your equations are not stored on our servers; instead, they are saved locally in your browser to prevent loss due to accidental page refreshes. This means that your equations will still be accessible even if you refresh the page. If you wish to erase your equations and start afresh, you can click the Reset button.

However, this feature is not available in Version 2 (MathJax 2) and the data is not stored permanently. It is only saved for the duration of your browser session, so closing your browser or clearing data, or being logged out for an extended period will result in the data being erased.

Section 2: Typing Basic Functions

You can type basic functions as you type on calculator

Section 2.1: Typing Regular Mathematics Expressions

can be typed directly.

Section 2.2: Fractions Operations

• To type fraction you can use "/" sign and when multiple variables are there in numerator and denominator you can use this format {numerator}/{denominator}. It will yield this \(\frac{numerator}{denominator}\)

• And when writing complex equation this way might fail so you can use the regular latex syntax like this
\frac {numerator} {denominator}

Section 2.3: Space Operation

• You can simply use key to enter space.

• But, When you want to enter in between equations, you can do it by typing a backslash i.e. "\"

Section 2.4: Power/Superscript Operations

You can type a hat i.e. "^" icon to enable Superscript. But it will only superscript the right next character, However if you want to superscript multiple characters, You need to bind that superscript characters with curly braces { }

e.g. Writing e^{sinx} will yield \(e^{\sin x}\) Whereas writing e^sinx will yield \(e^sinx\)

Section 2.5: Subscript Operations

You can use underscore "_" to write subscript. Binding it with curly braces { } will help you type multiple characters in subscript.

e.g. a_bc will yield \(a_bc\) whereas
a_{bc} will yield \(a_{bc}\)

Section 3: Writing Symbols

Writing Symbols is carefully designed to let you write just like we talk in Physics or Mathematics, for example, H psi = E psi. Yeah that much easy that is

Section 3.1: Writing Symbols of Physics and Mathematics

Writing Symbols is so easy, Just type the symbols name followed by a backslash i.e. "\". It will print the symbol for you.

Writing psi\ will yield \(\psi\)
Writing phi\ will yield \(\phi\)
That's much easy this is!
And most of the symbols are written in the way we talk like closeintegral\ and not in the way latex keyword like oint, So It's quite easy for you to identify keyword

Section 3.2: Unsure about the spelling of the symbols

It's too easy since all the shortcuts are in our dialect, still if you forget or unsure about the name, You can always click on button to open the suggestions popup where you can try searching different combinations to find that symbol and you can even visit this help section to look for the symbols shortcuts chart which is in the end of this section

Section 3.3: When the shortcut for Symbol is not available

Actually our symbol shortcut list is vast, So you can get most of the shortcuts but if some reason it is not available, You can always use latex.

Section 3.4: List of shortcuts

The list of shortcuts is provided in the table below, along with their notations and descriptions.

Section 4: Handling Derivatives

It's extremely easy to handle derivatives with this editor.

Section 4.1: Basic Derivatives

You can write standard d/dx type of derivatives it will work.

But a direct function has been created, so if you write derivatives {variable}, It will give you the derivative

i.e. derivative{x} will yield \(\frac{d}{dx}\).

Section 4.2: Partial Derivatives

You can simply write a tag partial{variable} to get partial variable symbol

i.e. partial{x} will yield \(\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\)

Section 4.3: Basic Derivatives with higher order

Writing higher order derivatives in latex is too boring but here you can achieve it with just one function.

Simply write dorder{variable, order} to obtain derivatives of higher order.

i.e. dorder{x, 3} will yield \(\begin{align} \frac{d^{3}}{d x^{3}} \end{align}\)

Section 4.4: Partial Derivatives with higher order

Simply write porder{variable,order} to obtain partial derivatives of higher order

porder{y, 2} will yield \(\begin{align}\frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial y^{2}}\end{align}\)

porder{x,2}e^x sinx will give \(\begin{align}\frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial x^{2}}e^x sinx\end{align}\)

Section 4.5: Different Types of Derivatives

By playing with all the predetermined derivatives function you can write almost all kind of derivatives.

Section 5: Handling Integration

Handling of most type of integration is super easy using our preset programs.

Section 5.1: Writing single integral with and without limit

If you just want to write integral symbol, just write int\, It will give the integral symbol i.e. \(\int\)

If you want to write integration with limit the function is like this int{low,high}
low is low variable
and high is high variable

int{a, b} will give \(\begin{align}\int_{a}^{b}\end{align}\)

Section 5.2: Writing Double integral

doubleintegral\ will give \(\iint\)

doubleintegral{low,high} will give the double integral with both the high and low limits

doubleintegral{a,b} will give \(\begin{align}\iint_{a}^{b}\end{align}\)

It will place the limit at the last integral, If you want to write double integral with both different limit, you can use \!\! symbol between single integral

Section 5.3: Close Integral / Closed Contour Integration

closeintegral\ will give \(\oint\)

Close Integral with limit can be written as closeintegral{low,high}

e.g. closeintegral{a,b} will be rendered as \(\begin{align}\oint_{a}^{b}\end{align}\)

Section 5.4: Triple Integral

tripleintegral\ will give \(\iiint\)

Triple Integral with limit can be achieved by typing tripleintegral{a,b}, It will apply the limit to last integral and if you want to apply different limit for different integral, you can use \!\! tags in between single integrals.

tripleintegral{a,b} will give \begin{align}\iiint_{a}^{b}\end{align}

Section 5.5: Adding Multiple Integral

By playing and tweaking the functions, you can achieve whatever integral you want.

Section 6: Handling Limit

You can write lim{variable, approaches} to obtain the limit

i.e. lim{x, infinity\} will give \begin{align}\lim_{x \to \infty}\end{align}

Section 7: Handling Matrices/Matrix

Handling matrix here is so easy, Here is the step by step explanation for different types of matrices.

Section 7.1: Matrix without Brackets

The matrix without bracket syntax is like this

beginmatrix a & b & c
d & e & f

Actually, after typing the beginmatrix, and adding a space, you initiate the first row of the matrix. Here, the & symbol acts as the column separator. Moving to a new line signifies the start of the second row, and this pattern continues. Finally, the endmatrix marks the end of the matrix and it is then rendered in matrix format.

If you write

beginmatrix a & b & c
d & e & f
g & h

it will render as
\begin{array}{l}\begin{matrix} a & b & c \\ d & e & f \\ g & h \\ \end{matrix}\end{array}

N.B. Space between & is not mandatory, It is done here just for beautification of text

Section 7.2: Matrix with Parentheses (Round Bracket)

The matrix with Parantheses or Round bracket syntax is like this

beginpmatrix a & b & c
d & e & f

Actually, after typing the beginpmatrix, and adding a space, you initiate the first row of the matrix. Here, the & symbol acts as the column separator. Moving to a new line signifies the start of the second row, and this pattern continues. Finally, the endpmatrix marks the end of the matrix and it is then rendered in matrix format.

If you write

beginpmatrix a & b & c
d & e & f
g & h

it will render as
\begin{array}{l}\begin{pmatrix} a & b & c \\ d & e & f \\ g & h \\ \end{pmatrix}\end{array}

N.B. Space between & is not mandatory, It is done here just for beautification of text

Section 7.3: Matrix with square brackets

The matrix with Square Braackets syntax is like this

beginsmatrix a & b & c
d & e & f

Actually, after typing the beginsmatrix or beginbmatrix, and adding a space, you initiate the first row of the matrix. Here, the & symbol acts as the column separator. Moving to a new line signifies the start of the second row, and this pattern continues. Finally, the endsmatrix or endbmatrix marks the end of the matrix and it is then rendered in matrix format.

If you write

You can write like this
beginsmatrix a & b & c
d & e & f
g & h

or You can write like this
beginbmatrix a & b & c
d & e & f
g & h

Both will render as
\begin{array}{l}\begin{bmatrix} a & b & c \\ d & e & f \\ g & h \\ \end{bmatrix} \\ \end{array}

N.B. Space between & is not mandatory, It is done here just for beautification of text

Section 7.4: More Matrices Types

While most commonly used matrix formats are available as functions, if you are unable to find the specific function you need, you can always utilize LaTeX to achieve the desired matrix configuration.

Section 8: Handling Geometry

You can write various geometrical notations using our pre-defined functions.

Section 8.1: Triangle

You can write triangle\ to get a triangle.

triangle\ will give \(\triangle\)
triangledown\ will give \(\triangledown\)
triangleright\ will give \(\triangleright\)
triangleleft\ will give \(\triangleleft\)

Section 8.2: Angle

Angle\ will give \(\angle\)
measuredAngle\ will give \(\measuredangle\)

Section 8.3: Parallel and Not Parallel

parallel\ will give \(\parallel\)
notParallel\ will give \(\nparallel\)

Section 8.4: Equals and not equals & Congruent

= will give \(=\)
neq\ will give \(\neq\)
cong\ will give \(\cong\)

Section 8.5: Degree and not

deg\ will give \(^\circ\)
anot\ will give \(a^\circ\)
variablenot will give \(variable^\circ\) where variable can be anything.

Section 9: Comparators

Section 9.1: Less Than

lt\ will give \(\lt\)

Section 9.2: Greater Than

gt\ will give \(\gt\)

Section 9.3: Less than Equal to

leq\ will give \(\leq\)

Section 9.4: Greater than Equals to

geq\ will give \(\geq\)

Section 10: Set Operations

Section 10.1: Belongs to

belongsto\ will give \(\in\)

Section 10.2: Subset

subset\ will give \(\subset\)

Section 10.3: Union

union\ will give \(\cup\)

Section 10.4: Intersection

intersection\ will give \(\cap\)

Section 10.5: Union

union\ will give \(\cup\)

Section 10.6: For All

forall\ will give \(\forall\)

Section 10.7: Implies

implies\ will give \(\Rightarrow\)

Section 11: Vector Operations

Section 11.1: Vector

vector{constant} will give \(\overrightarrow{constant}\)

constant can be anything like a, b, c ...

Section 11.2: Bar

bar{constant} will give \(\overline{constant}\)

constant can be anything like a, b, c ...

Section 11.3: Unit Vector

cap{i} will give \(\hat{i}\)

i can be anything like i, j, k ....

Section 12: Navigation Icons

Section 12.1: Implies

implies\\ will give \(\Rightarrow\)

Section 12.2: Right Arrow

rightarrow\\ will give \(\rightarrow\)

Section 12.3: Left Arrow

leftarrow\\ will give \(\leftarrow\)

Section 12.4: Up Arrow

uparrow\\ will give \(\uparrow\)

Section 12.5: Down Arrow

downarrow\\ will give \(\downarrow\)

Section 13: Conclusion

I hope this guide has effectively demonstrated how to use my equation editor, designed with simplicity and power in mind. Although there are numerous advanced tools out there that employ LaTeX for complex functionalities, my editor is crafted specifically for newbies who are new to LaTeX, for small educators embarking on new ventures, or for anyone who needs to quickly draft equations on mobile devices without the expense of professional software. It’s entirely free and open to everyone, making it a perfect choice for those seeking a straightforward solution.

Furthermore, because my editor is built on LaTeX and MathJAX, you have the flexibility to input any specialized equations or symbols that might not be immediately available in my dialect packs. While current versions do not support LaTeX add-ons or libraries, I am committed to include this feature in future updates, thereby enhancing the range of libraries of LaTeX at your disposal.

For suggestions, improvements, or any feedback, please don't hesitate to contact me at shashwata@versatilex.in. Your feedback is crucial as it drives the continuous refinement and effectiveness of this tool.

Thank you for choosing my equation editor. I am eager to support your mathematical journey with ongoing enhancements and updates.

Happy equation writing!